soaking grains

Coconut Rice

I love coconut rice!! It doesn’t take any longer to make than regular rice, and it is so cozy, warming, and flavorful. The aromatic scent from cooking coconut rice is tough to beat, and it pairs perfectly with curries and Thai/Asian inspired sauces. The coconut milk is the perfect way to enhance your meal with healthy fats (great for balancing hormones, absorbing certain vitamins, brain health, and helping to regulate blood sugar levels). Here it is paired with roasted salmon and also served with my ginger lime shrimp.


Ingredients (serves 2)

  • 1/2 cup uncooked forbidden rice (or brown rice)

  • ¾ cup coconut milk

  • ½  cup water

  • 1 inch piece of ginger, grated

  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed

  • Pinch of salt



  • In a pot, add rice, coconut milk, water, ginger, garlic, salt - bring to a boil

  • Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer until all liquid evaporates, about 40-45 minutes.

  • Remove from heat, keep covered for 5-10 more minutes.

  • Taste and adjust seasoning, then serve


Soak your rice overnight (or for 8 hours) with filtered room temperature water and a splash of apple cider vinegar. Rinse and drain before cooking. This process helps remove phytic acid and make grains and beans more digestible. It also releases vitamins in the process, meaning you’re getting even more nutrients. I aim to soak (if I remember) all grains and beans prior to cooking.

For more information, check out this link!