peanut sauce

Brown Rice Bowl with Sweet Potatoes, Broccoli, and Peanut Sauce


Peanut butter is an American classic. Who didn’t grow up with PB+J as a household staple?! While peanut butter and jelly is still a favorite of mine, I love using this creamy ingredient when baking or to add some richness to a dish, in the form of a flavorful sauce. Peanuts are given a hard time these days and there are many misconceptions around whether they are healthy or unhealthy for us. Peanuts (and peanut butter) are legumes (in the same family as beans, lentils), not nuts. They can be a healthy addition to our diets, but it’s important to consider quality when shopping for these ingredients. Most peanut butters out there contain added ingredients like hydrogenated oils and sugars, which can cause inflammation and weight gain. If shopping for peanut butter, look for organic peanut butter with only one ingredient: peanuts.

Here is a simple recipe that can be adapted however you like! If you have other fresh veggies on hand, like peppers, spinach, asparagus (whatever it may be), feel free to swap those in instead! You can also just make this sauce and use it as a dipping sauce for chicken, beef, or spring rolls. I personally love how both the brown rice and peanut butter have a nutty flavor profile, but feel free to swap our brown rice for a grain of your choosing (quinoa, Farro, buckwheat)!


(serves 4)

  • 1 ½ cups of brown rice

  • 2 sweet potatoes, cut into ¾ inch cubes

  • 1 large head of broccoli, cut into florets

  • 4 zucchini, cut into ¾ inch cubes

  • 3 tbsp avocado oil

  • Salt and pepper to taste

Peanut sauce Ingredients:

  • ½ cup creamy or crunchy natural peanut butter

  • 2 tbsp coconut aminos (or soy sauce)

  • 2 tsp honey

  • 2 tbsp fresh squeezed lime juice

  • 2 cloves of garlic, pressed

  • 3 tbsp warm water


  • Prepare brown rice according to package instructions.

  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Toss sweet potatoes with half of the avocado oil, salt and pepper. Roast on a baking sheet for about 45 minutes, flipping about halfway.

  • With 20 minutes left of roasting for the sweet potatoes, toss broccoli and zucchini with the remaining avocado oil, salt and pepper. Roast for 20 minutes.

  • While veggies roast, prepare the peanut sauce. Add more water and lime juice if necessary to reach a smooth consistency.

  • Once veggies are cooked, create brown rice bowls topped with vegetables and peanut butter sauce! 

Health Benefits of Peanut Butter:

  • Peanuts/peanut butter are a high-protein food, making them a great option for a post-workout snack (to build and repair muscles) or for a midday snack that fills you up between meals

  • Half the fat in peanut butter is comprised of oleic acid, which is a health monounsaturated fat (also found in olive oil). It also contains linoleic acid, an essential omega-6 fatty acid. It’s important to keep in mind the importance of balancing our omega-6 intake with omega-3 foods.

  • Peanut butter is high in antioxidants, which can help our bodies fight oxidative stress.

  • The high amounts of unsaturated fats, vitamin E, and B vitamins found in peanut butter are beneficial to improving brain health!

Sources and additional reading: