
Beet and Berry Smoothie


When I was at my older sister’s house a few months ago, she made her kids (ages 5 and 3) pink smoothies as a snack. I thought it was such a smart idea to entice her kids with colorful smoothies in order have them get some nutrient-dense fruits into their bodies! If you put a banana or a date into a smoothie, the natural sweetness will cover up any “veggie flavor.” I don’t remember exactly how my sister made her smoothie, but it inspired me to create my own version. I use beets to give this smoothie a rich pink color, plus they are anti-inflammatory and support detoxification in our livers. For the beets, no need to cook them. I just peel one, chop it up, and throw it into my blender.


(serves 1)

  • 1 medium sized beet, peeled and roughly chopped (or 1 cup frozen beets)

  • 1 cup frozen organic strawberries

  • ½ cup unsweetened almond milk

  • ½ banana

  • 2 tsp ground flax seeds


  • Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth

  • Top with sliced bananas and cinnamon (optional)

You can always improvise! You can add a scoop of almond butter or some protein powder to make it more filling! You can even add a few dashes of cinnamon to create a more warming flavor. To make this smoothie sweeter and more appealing to your children, try adding a full banana instead of just half. Enjoy!