Blackberries and Cream Smoothie


I am seriously addicted to blackberries these days! If you haven’t tried seasonal, farm-fresh blackberries (compared to those you’ll find at a grocery store), I highly recommend it! They taste much sweeter - so ripe and juicy! There are so many health benefits associated with these small, deep-purple berries, but before we get there, here is my recipe for a “Blackberry and Cream” smoothie. This smoothie is tart, sweet, tangy, and rich - I personally enjoy it more as an afternoon treat or dessert rather than for breakfast. You can sub in some blueberries too if you don’t have enough blackberries! 


(serves 1)

  • ⅓ cup coconut yogurt

  • ½ cup ripe blackberries

  • ½ banana

  • ¼ cup almond milk

  • A few ice cubes.


Blend until smooth and enjoy!

Health Benefits of Blackberries:

  • Blackberries are rich in Vitamin C. In fact, one serving provides 35% of your recommended daily intake!

  • They contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, which help balance blood sugar levels and support healthy digestion.

  • They are an excellent source of vitamin K, which we need for blood clotting.

  • Blackberries contain powerful antioxidants that reduce the damage of free radicals in our bodies and support a healthy immune system.

Sources and Additional Reading