afternoon crash

5 Ways to Avoid an Afternoon Crash

Today’s topic is all about how to avoid that afternoon crash. When I was a teacher, I remember feeling absolutely exhausted by around 3pm (once the school day was over) and this was especially the case early on in the school year, when I was adjusting to my new routine. Having some tips and strategies for how to avoid these feelings of fatigue and a lack of motivation has helped me get through my days in a more positive and productive way. Here are my 5 tips and strategies for how to avoid the afternoon crash!

5 Ways to Avoid an Afternoon Crash

1. Eat Protein, Fiber, and Healthy Fats at Meal Times 

This powerhouse combination is the fuel your brain and body needs. You will feel satiated, energized, and focused. Did you know that starting your day off with a nutrient-rich breakfast can lead to you making better food choices throughout the day? Some easy and tasty breakfasts include: smoothies, eggs on whole grain or sweet potato toast, and oatmeal with berries and a spoonful of almond butter or coconut oil. 

2. Get Moving 

When you’re starting to feel that fatigue come on, try getting outside for a brisk 10-minute walk rather than reaching for a coffee. Getting movement and fresh air can help us feel re-energized by increasing oxygen flow in our bodies.

3. Keep Healthy Snacks on Hand 

One great way to keep your energy and blood sugar levels steady is to avoid going for long stretches without eating. Have some protein and fiber-rich foods ready to go for mid-day snacking, like hummus and veggies, apple and peanut butter, or a plain greek yogurt with some berries and nuts.   

4. Avoid Sugars and Processed Foods 

When we’re tired, we often reach for that quick, satisfying energy boost - like cookies, crackers, or maybe a soda, when in fact these quick-releasing sugars will offset our blood sugar levels, creating a spike and then a crash. We’ll be feeling worse off as a result. This can create a vicious cycle. 

5. Stay Hydrated 

Even mild dehydration has been shown to impact alertness and concentration. Can you find ways to consistently drink water throughout the day? You can try keeping a large water bottle with you, using reminders on your phone, and enjoying a large glass with snacks and meals!

I hope you can experiment with one or some of these strategies this month to help you feel greater energy throughout your day.

Sources and Additional Reading: