All About Hydration!

With the summer heat at its most intense this month, I thought it’d be the perfect time to talk about all things hydration! Our body weight is about 60% water, which we use to maintain bodily functions. We are constantly using this water supply, which is why it is so essential to rehydrate! Today, I am going to share with you why it is essential to stay hydrated, the amounts of water we should each strive for every day, and some tips for increasing your water intake!

10 Benefits of Staying Hydrated:

  1. Drinking water helps flush waste and toxins from your body through sweating, urinating, and bowel movements.

  2. It is needed to regulate body temperature.

  3. Drinking water can help with weight loss because it helps keep us full and can boost metabolic rate.

  4. We need adequate amounts of water for proper brain functioning.

  5. When hydrated, our skin is healthier, brighter, and more youthful.

  6. Water protects our organs and tissues and lubricates joints.

  7. By staying hydrated, we help our kidneys and liver by flushing out waste products.

  8. We need water to dissolve minerals and nutrients so they are accessible for our bodies.

  9. Staying hydrated can prevent and treat headaches

  10. Our cells need a balance of water and electrolytes to keep our muscles energized and working properly. 

How Much Water Should I be Drinking? 

There is no agreed upon answer for this. The 64 ounces rule is not a bad goal to strive for, but we are all different and have different needs. When it’s hot outside and we’re exercising more, you will need more water. Current research recommends about 15.5 cups of water per day for men and about 11.5 cups for women. The best strategy of all is to drink water consistently throughout the day and to aim for your urine to be colorless or a pale yellow.

Toby’s Tips for Staying Hydrated

  1. Drink a large glass of water first thing in the morning!

    Go for the water before your morning coffee! After a night’s sleep, our cells are craving water. Our dehydrated bodies need the morning hydration to feel greater energy, to wake up our metabolism, and can help flush out the toxins that store in your body overnight!

  2. Get a large water bottle and refill it throughout the day!

    Purchase a 26 or 32 ounce water bottle and keep refilling it throughout the day. Set specific goals for yourself, like making sure to finish at least one before lunch!

  3. Give your water a flavor boost!

    Infuse your water with refreshing ingredients, like fruits and herbs, to make it even more appealing. My favorite combinations are lemon and rosemary or strawberries and mint!

  4. Eat hydrating foods! 

    Fruits and vegetables can help us replenish our hydration levels! Try adding the following into your diet: watermelon, cucumber, celery, citrus fruits, tomatoes, bell peppers, and kiwi.

Try my ultra-hydrating and refreshing watermelon and coconut water drink! Recipe HERE!

Sources and Additional Reading: